User Persona 1. Studious Sam
Sam is a 21 year old student studying full-time at University. He has 3 different email accounts out of which he uses 2 regularly. Sam spends around 0-5 minutes per day just checking his emails. He will often check on his smartphone or his smartphone will notify him. He will usually reply later when he has access to a desktop. He often has quite a few emails related to university and will often reply to those and include attachments. His other email account is personal and he often receives emails pertaining to receipts/paypal confirmations, service updates and social media notifications. He often will not bother to read these or only skim through them and will simply keep them in his inbox. The sender is more important to Sam rather than the subject, and will read or not read emails based more on this factor.
User Persona 2 . Busy Beth
Beth is a 24 yr old who studies full-time at University and also works as a graphic designer part-time . She receives many emails relating to either her university studies or her work. She spends up to 10 minutes per day checking emails. She will often reply to work emails first and these often will contain text and attachments of her work to her boss/clients. She will often group her university and work emails together and try to reply to both fairly quickly. She has 2 email accounts, one for university and one for everything else eg work, social media. She will often skim through many of her other emails and leave them in her inbox eg Social Media alerts. She will always read emails related to money/finances however.
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