Our survey findings are as follows
- In terms of the amount of email accounts that people had, 21 out of 53 people were found to have 3 email accounts. afterwards, 16 out of 53 people had 2 accounts. 2 people had 1 account. 8 people had 4 accounts, 3 people had 5 accounts, and 3 people had more than 5 accounts.
- It was found that on average, people checked their emails 55 times a week. The highest amount that people checked was 1000 times a week, occuring twice within the data. with the next highest number being 100. The lowest amount that people checked was once a week occuring once within the data
- It was found that most people check their emails for only 0 - 5 minutes (24/53), with the next highest amount being 5 - 10 minutes (13/23)
- Peoples main reason for using email were work and education (both 39/53) followed by sending documents (32/53), then by private messages (24/53) and finally by sending images (14/53)
- The content most send in emails were text (49/53), documents (41/53) and finally images (18/53)
- In terms of using email outside of two-way communication, it was mostly used for Confirmation emails (e.g. paypal) (45/53), followed by signing up for services (41/53), then mailing lists (26/53), then notifications (23/53), and finally update emails (14/53)
- In terms of why people used email over other services, people found that it was necessary for school/university(39/53), that it was more formal (35/53), necessary for work (34/53), ability to archive messages (31/53) and finally for privacy (17/53)
- In asking what peoples favourite service was, responders were given an open answered question. It was found that the majority of people used Facebook due to the fact that it was conceived as easier to use, more people had used, and was faster than email. Otherwise, people would use SMS as it was instantaneous, cheap and personal
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